Friday, November 27, 2009

Situational Problems for the Cosmetology Student or More Alive with Color

Situational Problems for the Cosmetology Student

Author: Catherine Frangi

A word-for-word, page-for-page Spanish translation of Milady's Situational Problems for Cosmetology Students. The text tests students' knowledge of how they should apply the information they have learned to real-life situations. While the exam review gauges their recollection of information, this text asks that information, this text asks that they apply that knowledge to situations that more closely reflect what they are likely to encounter as a salon employee, demonstrating that they know how to use the information they have learned. The questions are more complex than Exam Review questions, or attitudes. The student will have to take many factors into account to achieve the desired results, both from a technical and a communication perspective. Answers are included in the back of the book.

Read also Sustainable Livelihoods or Managing and Organizations

More Alive with Color: Personal Colors - Personal Style

Author: Leatrice Eiseman

What is the best thing you can do when you don't have a thing to wear? What's the secret ingredient that can instantly improve the way you look and feel? It's simple - discover your personal colors! America's color guru Leatrice Eiseman will show you how in her fun and practical new book, More Alive with Color! Here Lee will introduce you to her original, easy-to-follow "Color Clock" system - the quick way to find and use the colors that reflect your personal style and transform the way you look.

Based on the colors of your eyes, hair and skin and your psyche-discover your personal range of beautiful colors in Leatrice's "colortimes": Sunrise with the sparkling jewel tones of dawn, Sunlight with the soft pastels and fruit shades of noon, or Sunset with the fiery hues that mellow into dusk. Then add those natural yet practical Crossover colors to expand your wardrobe without breaking your budget. Choosing clothes, hair color, and makeup has never been easier. Leatrice will show you how to pull your wardrobe together with your personal colors - which are sexy, which are powerful for interviews and such; which accessories will magnify your personal style; and which cosmetic and hair colors will make your skin glow and flatter your natural coloring.

More than any other color system, More Alive with Color will give you the freedom to use color in your wardrobe with self-confidence, add trends without losing your style, plan a wedding where you are surrounded by your best colors, organize your closet and mix colors with ease; and set out for office, party, or lunch with friends knowing you look your best.

Washington Post

"For those who are intimidated by color or choosing colors, Eiseman's books provide plenty of reassurance, including a quiz to help readers determine their color preferences."

Allure Magazine - Elizabeth Einstein

"Lee Eiseman is the person I call for help in decoding color trends. She knows the 'why' behind what people want from season to season."

What People Are Saying

Marylou Luther
"Leatrice Eiseman knows more about the history of color, the psychology of color and the application of color than anyone I have ever interviewed. She can make color interesting to a convent of nuns who only wear black. Perhaps more importantly, she constantly updates the dynamics of color and how it responds to the pop culture, the economy and world events."
editor, International Fashion Syndicate

Table of Contents:
Preface: A Personal Note from the Publisher

Introduction: Why I Wrote This Book

Part 1: What Color Can Do for You

Chapter 1: The Color Quiz
·What the Quiz Means
·Where Your Choices Take YouâЂ"More about You
·Choices: "Right" or "Wrong"

Chapter 2: Find Your Perfect Color Palette
·Inspiration of the Impressionists
·The Colortime Palettes
·What Color Can Do for You
·Color Your Thinking
·The Crossovers—NatureâЂ™s Most Versatile Colors
·Intimate Environments and Extended Environments
·Understanding Undertones
·Mixing Palettes
·Exploding Old Myths—White DoesnâЂ™t Go with Everything!

Chapter 3: Wearing Your Colors: What Goes with What
·Harmonious Relations—-Analagous Colors
·Thank You for the Complement
·One Color—Monochromatics
·Two Colors—Duochromatics
·Three Colors—Trichromatics
·Instant Irritants and Dramatic Discord
·The Most Basic Basics
·Goof-Proof Combinations

Chapter 4: How to Get the Look
·Personal Signature Colors
·Accessorizing with Color
o Shoes
o Hosiery
o Handbags
o Belts
o Jewelry
· Clothes to Go: Color Planning for Packing

Chapter 5: Instant Makeovers: Your Color Cosmetics
· Sunrise (AM)
· Sunset (PM)
· Sunlight(Midday)
· Can You Change Your Colortime Cosmetics?

Chapter 6: Hair Inspiration: Your Colors Count
· Blondes
· Redheads
· Browns
· Grays
· Blacks

Chapter 7: For Men Only
· Your Working Wardrobe
· Where You Live Can Color Your Style
· Men and Hair Color

Part 2: What Color Says about You

Chapter 8: Using Color to Influence Others
· Yang or Yin?
· Power Colors
· Casual Dressing in the Office
· Surface Language: Your First Impression
· Job Interviews
· Colors for Presentations
· Reading Marketing Messages
· Confessions of a Closet Organizer
· Colors for That Special Day
· Colors for Other Parties and Occasions

Chapter 9: Your Creative Energies and Color
· Red
· Pink
· Yellow
· Orange
· Brown
· Beige
· Green
· Blue
· Blue-Green
· Purple
· Lavender
· Gray
· Taupe
· Black
· White
· Changing Colors and Changing Lives



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