Friday, December 26, 2008

Kiss Your Fat Goodbye or Mad Cowboy

Kiss Your Fat Goodbye: The Ultimate Guide to Losing Weight and Building a Healthy Body for Life

Author: Gary Phd Null

Leading natural health expert Gary Null has devoted his life to helping people feel better about their bodies, and in this groundbreaking book he presents a surefire plan to help you lose weight—and keep it off. Based on Null’s research with over a thousand volunteers and more than thirty-five years as a health educator, Kiss Your Fat Goodbye explores the science behind weight gain and provides an easy-to-follow weight-loss regimen based on all-natural nutrition, exercise, and holistic therapies. Complete with a thirty-one-day eating plan packed with delicious, low-fat recipes that can be tailored to your individual needs, Kiss Your Fat Goodbye shows you how to jump-start your metabolism and develop healthier, lifelong eating habits. You will learn how to:

—Listen to your body and determine your unique dietary needs
—Use detoxification as the key to weight-loss success—safely and effectively
—Reduce with juice and blend a variety of slimming, health-enhancing beverages
—Use the 125 recipes in the eating plan to prepare appetizing, slenderizing dishes—from breakfast to dessert
—Choose vitamins and supplements that will boost your weight-loss efforts
—Develop a personalized exercise regimen—and stick with it
—Use stress management and self-actualization techniques to set personal goals, improve your body image, and stay positive and energized

Best of all, with Kiss Your Fat Goodbye the inches and pounds you lose are secondary to what you gain: a lifetime of confidence, happiness, good eating, and good health.

Book review: Managing a Diverse Workforce or Why Lawsuits are Good for America

Mad Cowboy: Plain Truth from the Cattle Rancher Who Won't Eat Meat

Author: Howard F Lyman

Howard Lyman's testimony on The Oprah Winfrey Show revealed the deadly impact of the livestock industry on our well-being. It not only led to Oprah's declaration that she'd never eat a burger again, it sent shock waves through a concerned and vulnerable public.

A fourth-generation Montana rancher, Lyman investigated the use of chemicals in agriculture after developing a spinal tumor that nearly paralyzed him. Now a vegetarian, he blasts through the propaganda of beef and dairy interests -- and the government agencies that protect them -- to expose an animal-based diet as the primary cause of cancer, heart disease, and obesity in this country. He warns that the livestock industry is repeating the mistakes that led to Mad Cow disease in England while simultaneously causing serious damage to the environment.

Persuasive, straightforward, and full of the down-home good humor and optimism of a son of the soil, Mad Cowboy is both an inspirational story of personal transformation and a convincing call to action for a plant-based diet -- for the good of the planet and the health of us all.

What People Are Saying

Jeremy Rifkin
"Howard Lyman's personal odyssey from cowboy to cattle rancher to animal rights activist, environmentalist, and vegetarian is an inspiring chronicle of the life and times of an extraordinary human being -- an individual who risked everything, including giving up his own past, to help crete a more humane and civilized future. Who better to tell the story of the American cattle culture than a man baptized in the beef mystique and now its chief critic." -- Author of Beyond Beef: The rise and Fall of the Cattle Culture

John Robbins
"I can honestly say that there is not a man on this planet I respect more than Howard Lyman. I cannot speak highly enough of the man, his work, or his book. Mad Cowboy is his story, and it is truly one of the most important ones of this century. Buty ten copies; give them to people you love. This is the real thing." -- Author of Diet for a New America and Reclaiming Our health, and founder of EarthSave

Studs Terkel
"Howard Lyman is fighting not only for our health but our nation's sanity as well. He challenges not only mad cows, but a mad system that gives us the dead wrong answer when we ask, 'What's for dinner?'"

Jim Hightower
"Howard Lyman, a straight-shooting, no-nonesense Montanan with uncommon integrity and courage, has a dynamite story to tell. Read in this startling book why this son of hte ranchlands won't be bulled by the beef establishment anymore.. and why you shouldn't be either." -- Author of There's Nothing in the Middle of the Road but Yellow Stripes and Dead Armadillos

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